What is SOLA?
Book-keeping software for
GP Practices

A book keeping and accounts analysis system developed by Sandisons Ltd - medical specialist accountants.
Find out more...
Click here to contact Sandisons Ltd for a free demonstration of the SOLA System
SOLA - Sandisons On-Line Accounts

Accounts software for General Practitioners

This Web based book-keeping software has been developed by a firm of accountants specialising in accounts for GP Practices, teamed up with a web design company.

It is for use by Practice Managers. It has significant advantages over the alternatives.

Work closely with an expert

Your accounts are set up for you by your accountant - who can then monitor your postings, and communicate with you using the SOLA system.

They can help you, and provide you with up-to-date analysis of your figures.

Convenient and easy to use

And it can be accessed anywhere using a secure website, protected using username and passwords. Work from home if you like, all you need is an internet connection.

It is set up so that it works exactly like a website - you can even walk into an internet cafe and access it from there - you will need to use your username and password.


What users say...
The data is accessible wherever I am...
It is Web based, so SOLA can be accessed anywhere.
I can flag transactions up for attention later...
The system lets me mark transactions up with notes, and questions for my accountant. They access these online - at their convenience - and answer my questions!
It is so easy to see if something has been paid...
The transaction search feature lets me find anything rapidly, whichever account it is in.
New features are provided when I ask for them...
The people who have developed this are very keen to accomodate requests for new features - they are keen to improve the product!
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Sandisons' OnLine Accounts

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